Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Operation: be happy

1. Keep a clean bedroom
2. Pray on my knees twice a day and keep a prayer in my heart in between
3. spend quality time with the scriptures every day
4. go to bed by 11
5. wake up by 7
6. take a multi vitamin
7. eat nutrient dense foods and avoid unnecessary calories
8. get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week
9. spend time with other happy people
10. avoid spiritually damaging or otherwise depressing forms of entertainment and people

2009 had left me feeling a little less than peppy, and I got to a point where I was determined to feel better. Just over a week ago Tuesday night I created this list of 10 basic things I’ve discovered throughout my life that I need to do on a regular basis to feel good spiritually, physically and emotionally (minus # 5. I’ve never felt good waking up before 9 no matter how early I went to bed. #’s 4 and 5 are personal goals I’m failing at right now, but making progress. I’m hoping for some truthfulness in the saying “Early to bed, early to rise…” However, based on actual experience I do feel better when I get enough sleep in general).

Since implementing my “operation: be happy” plan I have improved in the areas I was slacking on and I’m starting to feel more like my cheerful self. It feels good.

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