I miss Postum. I really do. Pero just isn’t as good. I don’t know how many of you, my lovely readers, know what Pero or Postum are. They are two kinds of hot beverages with different tastes that are both naturally caffeine free. "Mormon coffee" if you will. I am a Latter Day Saint aka Mormon, and as a part of my religion I don’t drink coffee or tea. For me personally it goes for sodas too, I won’t drink the caffeinated ones. I was taught not to drink caffeinated sodas growing up even though it is not exactly against the LDS religion to drink sodas with caffeine in them. When I was 16 I went to a Halloween party and feeling a bit rebellious, threw all caution to the wind and indulged in Pepsi and Dr. Pepper. When I got home that night I went to bed, only to wake up a short time later to vomit. Lesson learned. When I was a kid, I would see my dad drinking Postum. I tried it once. I thought it tasted nasty and had a funny name. When I was in highschool, probably around the same time I experimented with caffeine I decided to give Postum another try. I would drink it with a teaspoon or two of sugar and a dollop of canned milk. I became used to it and even liked it and grew to love it. After a while I started cutting out the milk, then the sugar and was drinking it plain. About a year ago they stopped making Postum for some unknown awful reason.
While I was living with her, my grandma always had both Pero and Postum in her house. I tried her Pero once. I thought it tasted nasty and had a weird name that means "but" in Spanish. It really is nasty, so I stuck with Postum, but now Postum ceases to exist and I miss it, especially in winter. In attempts to adjust to no Postum I began drinking Pero. It is best if you make it with milk and chocolate syrup... and leave the Pero out. But really, I’ve been able to tolerate it with a ton of creamer and a packet of Splenda. Today I drank it plain with no Splenda or creamer. It was tolerable. If Pero and Postum were pet dogs, Postum would be the beloved pet who would be allowed to stay inside, while Pero would be shunned and left to sleep out in the rain. Then Postum would die. There would be tears. In attempts to replace the hole that Postum left, Pero would be allowed inside only he smells funny, but you don’t want to kick him back out because in a weird way even though he smells funny it’s almost like Postum is back again. Then after awhile, you can’t smell the stink anymore, however you still miss Postum and wouldn’t hesitate to throw Pero back out in the rain if Postum ever miraculously came back to life. Ugh, I wish Postum would come back to life.
As it approaches.....
13 years ago
You can't have decaff coffee? Maybe it just tastes gross or something, I wouldn't know I'm not a coffee person.
No coffee, caf or de-caf- which doesn’t make me sad. No tea either, but we’re allowed to have herbal tea which I’d drink if it didn’t taste like dirt. I don’t miss or desire coffee or tea because I’ve never had it, but I liked postum. Pero is starting to grow on me though.
LOL Katie that was awesome! I never knew someone who could go on about coffee substitute for so long and still be entertaining! thanks for making me laugh!
p.s. I sent you an invite to our blog. its private, but that way I guess you can see what we are up to sometimes, that is if you really want to. we dont lead a very exciting life
Hey, have you tried this "Ersatz" stuff? Funny name, but they offer a free sample and claim to be a postum-like drink. Maybe worth a shot, I've personally never tried it.
Forgot the link last time:
Thanks toddsch! Haha, I'll have to give it a try. Do I know you or are you just a random stranger that happened to stop by?
Just a random stranger, I arrived here after googling pero or postum or something. At any rate, I just found out that postum and other postum-like drinks _may_ cause cancer due to high acrylamide content along with french fries and other stuff. Major bummer! Just as I was beginning to dig the stuff.
Nope, turns out they were wrong about the cancer scare! Good news for Postum (and Postum-like) drinkers:
Feel free to drink your Roma/Pero/Postum/etc.
Good thing! I was just about to die of cancer!
Came here for the Pero review, stayed for the unusual religious restrictions. I'm curious, is there any scriptural reason why Coffee and Tea (considered sacred to many cultures) is off limits or is it a cultural thing? And for the record, wouldn't any beverage above room temperature be considered sinful according to JS? As a non-believer, I think it is perhaps wisest to listen to your own body and to consider dietary discoveries based upon what works for your personal biology--not what someone said in another century.
Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog! I don’t know of any scriptural reference that explains why the hot beverage thing is bad, but it is understood in the LDS faith that the “hot beverage” Doctrine and Covenants 89 (also known as the Word of Wisdom- http://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/89?lang=eng) was referring to was coffee and tea and not literally all beverages that were hot. The reason we don’t drink coffee or tea is because of the caffeine content which can be addicting, and we’re counseled to avoid addiction in any form. (There’s power in being in complete control of yourself, rather than something else having control over you.) Beyond coffee and tea it becomes an individual matter. There have been some that wonder why we can drink hot chocolate, for example if it’s purely a caffeine thing, but the caffeine content in chocolate doesn’t nearly add up to the amount you’d find in coffee or tea, BUT chocolate can certainly be addictive, so again it becomes a personal matter. Many LDS people drink sodas with caffeine in them (which also don’t have as much caffeine as coffee). I don’t because aside from soda in general being bad for you, it makes me jittery and I don’t like to feel that way. I agree you should pay attention to your body and do what you feel is best for you, but anybody who is already addicted to something is going to feel better with that substance than without it even though it isn’t necessarily the best thing for them. The word of wisdom isn’t just something some guy said in another century. It’s a revelation from God outlining a conduct of health. I challenge anybody to follow the Word of Wisdom and not receive blessings: physical and spiritual. I like being in control of my body. I’m glad I don’t have to depend on a stimulant to wake up or get through the day. I like that I don’t have to have certain things (aside from enough water and calories) to keep myself functioning or from getting a headache. I follow the Word of Wisdom to the best of my ability, and it leaves me feeling good, which is why I continue to follow it.
Hi Katie! Like you, I'm an LDS Postum enthusiast. I thought you'd like to know that they're bringing it back. A company bought it from Kellogs, and they will start selling it in stores again soon. You can buy it on their website, which is as follows:
Yay!!! Hope this made you as happy as it made me :D
No way! That is good news! I can't wait to see it in stores again. :)
It's back in some stores, mostly in UT, as of December. Good luck! That same site has the list of stores, looks like Reams and Harmons are the primary carriers.
My brother got me some Postum for Christmas!
Ah...Im so glad that Postum is back...ive been looking for it here in NY since i got active again in the Church (Hot Chocolate is getting old and is not nearly as healthy for you)!
Here's to our Mormon cup of Joe!!
How much is it in Utah btw??
Not sure how I came across this blog...I do live in Utah (woohoo!) and have many friends and clients that do observe WOW. I do think it is a personal choice;
The charge of "not observing the Word of Wisdom" was one of five leveled against David Whitmer on April 13, 1838, which led to his excommunication.[24] Nevertheless, contemporary records indicate that Smith was not, himself, a strict observer. Smith is recorded at various times as drinking tea,[25] beer,[26] and wine.[27] There is a report he also smoked tobacco: according to Amasa Lyman, a member of the First Presidency under Smith, Smith once finished preaching a sermon on the Word of Wisdom and immediately afterward rode through the streets smoking a cigar.[28] According to Lyman, this was just one of many instances in which Smith "tried the faith of the Saints ... by his peculiarities." (One modern commentator has suggested that this may have been done by Smith to ensure that his followers' faith was based on the Latter Day Saint religion and not on Smith's personality or leadership.)[29]
We now know that coffee and tea are very good for you. Like all other aspects of living life, we must find 'balance' in all things.
For me, drinking coffee is more like loving the smell and taste. One cup is good for me and, yes, it is a very large part of my morning just to pour it into my cup. Honestly, I end up pouring half of it out as it gets cold doing the chores...but there is nothing better than that first sip.
I say wisdom encourages enjoyment and responsibility, regardless of your faith.
I think Vermont Country store still sells Postum
I am a convert to the church and gave up drinking my coffee straight black with my dad each morning. I also gave up my green tea with our family Chinese
take-out dinners. It was worth it to live the Word of Wisdom after I was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (also known as The Mormons!) Postum, Pero and herb tea replaced my love of warm drinks. I have never regretted my decision to completely live the gospel once I made the commitment to be baptized. The blessings that I have received from being a member of the church and the strength that I have received during the tough times has so been worth making a decision that has determined my destiny. I am happy that Pero and Postum are back again to join my Herb Tea!
Elle, thanks for letting us know that Postum is now available, and about the Postum website. I want to my local supermarket and they had Pero but not Postum. I bought the Pero and tried it, and it's just not the same as good old Postum!
Hi---If you would like a free sample of Ersatz, we offer them, for the cost of postage, at our website's store:
ErsatzCoffee is a blend of roasted buckwheat, roasted wild rice, and roasted chicory. In a large teabag that brews a 12-oz. mug of Ersatz.
Caffeine-free & Gluten-free (unlike most other coffee-substitutes).
We are quite proud of it!
Dr. Fusco, owner, The CoffeeTrade Co. in Bellefonte, PA
This is very interesting. I've been looking for Postum for a few years now. It seemed to disappear off the shelves. the stores have been known to just stop carrying certain things from time to time but i never thought they would discontinue this product, especially since it's deemed healthy. I also didn't know it was very popular with Mormons. I knew about it from my grandfather who lived with us when i was a teenager in the 80's. I guess I'll try that Pero but I fear I may be disappointed and will want it to come back even more. I see it's available but it's a bit pricey now.
What you say makes sense.
In the LDS faith, like other faiths, we hold the word of God to be very sacred. We believe that God knows and understands things that we do not yet know or understand. We believe that it was God who told JS (his prophet at the time, akin to Moses of the Old Testament) that we should not drink coffee or tea.
Many LDS members speculate as to why this is, but to be honest with you? We don’t know for sure. But we choose to put our trust in what God said. And he hasn’t led me astray yet(:
What you say makes sense.
In the LDS faith, like other faiths, we hold the word of God to be very sacred. We believe that God knows and understands things that we do not yet know or understand. We believe that it was God who told JS (his prophet at the time, akin to Moses of the Old Testament) that we should not drink coffee or tea.
Many LDS members speculate as to why this is, but to be honest with you? We don’t know for sure. But we choose to put our trust in what God said. And he hasn’t led me astray yet(:
I never drink any of the cola drinks and my personal hope would be that no one would. However, they are not included in the Word of Wisdom in its technical application. I quote from a letter from the secretary to the First Presidency, 'But the spirit of the Word of Wisdom would be violated by the drinking or eating of anything that contained a habit-forming drug.' With reference to the cola drinks, the Church has never officially taken any attitude on this but I personally do not put them in the class as with the tea and coffee because the Lord specifically mentioned them [the hot drinks]. (Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball).
Ersatz coffee was used by the Germans during WW2 I understood them to say it was gross. I love Postum, Tried it during ww2 when we could not get coffee.I drink it today and find it is the most reasonable at Anazon, And if you order at least three the shipping is free. Also the product is much fresher there.
I drink it with dry coffee creamer and at least a spoonful of sugar or splenda. It is delicious and makes me a little sleepy at bedtime. I like it much better than Ovaltine and it is not as fattening.
Did you know that they brought Postum back? Go to postum.com and they have a store locator or you can buy online.
Pero has Acrylamide.
I just read the California cancer warning on the package.
After drinking both Postem and Pero for years I now do not buy either.
You can't believe all California warnings, as every product nowadays seem to have it. I drank postum because of the flavor and I got tired of decaf at night. I decided to try Pero and put a teaspoon of molasses in it. Tastes just like Postum, and WAY less expensive. I'm a happy girl again!😊
I though the acrylamide thing was debunked years ago, basically the theory was that all things cooked at high temp/fried/etc caused cancer. It was found not be the case I thought and the gov't dropped the entire acrylamide scare no?
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